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Hi I'm Daniel Ostrovsky

Daniel Ostrovsky

Web development (Full Cycle) expert and teams manager with over twenty years of experience in the industry. Meetup organizer - "NG-Heroes".Volunteer at Tech-Career, nonprofit organisation which target to attain and advance professional careers In Israel’s High-Tech for Ethiopian Israeli young adults. Full Cycle Dev. enthusiast, Public speaker and writer, Community leader.

I'm passionate about family, about my gorgeous wife and my adorable kids. In my free time, I'm "**The Best Developer in The World**" *based on my wife's ranking*.

Upcoming Events

Easy MicroFrontend Adoption: How Schematics, Builders, and TS Compiler API Can Make It EasyLanguage: English (21-22 June 2023)
Easy MicroFrontend Adoption: How Schematics, Builders, and TS Compiler API Can Make It Easy

MicroFrontends are becoming more popular because they offer some advantages over traditional monolithic frontend applications. However, this adds complexity to the overall development and management of the entire system. This leads to the creation of a foundation that multiple teams might use. Let's see how schematic, builders, and Typescript Compiler API can make the creation of a foundation fast and easy and how it can help with MicroFrontend architecture adoption into existing projects.

Developers Week, Latin America - Online /

Micro Frontend Architecture and Module Federation: Making the Right Choices for Your ProjectLanguage: English (7-11 Aug 2023)
Micro Frontend Architecture and Module Federation: Making the Right Choices for Your Project

The micro-frontend architecture is attracting more and more developers, and module federation is a great addition to this architectural pattern. And as with any new technology, new questions are raised. Let's take real-life examples and live coding to answer the following (but not limited to) questions: How we should I my divide apps and are there specific criteria to separate them? Is my project suitable for the Micro-Frontend at all? When should I use Micro-Frontend and when Module Federation? And some other questions.

Visual Studio Live - San Diego /

TypeScript Metaprogramming from 0 to 100Language: English (7-11 Aug 2023)
TypeScript Metaprogramming from 0 to 100

When applications are getting bigger, some tools and features that help to manage this increasing complexity become more required. Let's check some of these features: composition/dependency Injection, runtime type assertions, reflection/mirroring and more, and see how we can use it in live coding session.

Visual Studio Live - San Diego /


Past Events

Micro Frontend Architecture and Module Federation: Making the Right Choices for Your ProjectLanguage: English
Micro Frontend Architecture and Module Federation: Making the Right Choices for Your Project

Let's take real-life examples and live coding to answer the following (but not limited to) questions: How we should I my divide apps and are there specific criteria to separate them? Is my project suitable for the Micro-Frontend at all? When should I use Micro-Frontend and when Module Federation? And some other questions.


Micro Frontend Architecture and Module Federation: Making the Right Choices for Your ProjectLanguage: English
Micro Frontend Architecture and Module Federation: Making the Right Choices for Your Project

Let's take real-life examples and live coding to answer the following (but not limited to) questions: How we should I my divide apps and are there specific criteria to separate them? Is my project suitable for the Micro-Frontend at all? When should I use Micro-Frontend and when Module Federation? And some other questions.

DevDays Europe - Vilnius /

Is Qwik Really the World's First O(1) JS framework?Language: English
Is Qwik Really the World's First O(1) JS framework?

Qwik is a new JavaScript framework that offers the fastest possible page load times. Qwik introduces a new concept to JavaScript: The Resumable Framework. The unique part of Qwik is not in what it does but in how it achieves its goals (C). Let's see on live coding sessions the difference between Qwik and other JS frameworks.

DevDays Europe - Online /

Micro Frontend Architecture and Module Federation: Making the Right Choices for Your ProjectLanguage: English
Micro Frontend Architecture and Module Federation: Making the Right Choices for Your Project

Let's take real-life examples and live coding to answer the following (but not limited to) questions: How we should I my divide apps and are there specific criteria to separate them? Is my project suitable for the Micro-Frontend at all? When should I use Micro-Frontend and when Module Federation? And some other questions.

AngularTinyConf - Online /

Metaprogramming From 0 to 100Language: English
Metaprogramming From 0 to 100

Metaprogramming is the entire world of programming, in latest TS versions we have set of great new features that provide low-level hooks into code mechanics. Let's touch the tip of the iceberg! We will talk about the definition of "Metaprogramming": some best and some bad practices. And of course - live-coding!

Angular Tiny Conf - Online /

The flexible way to adopt UX/UI in Angular app according to user’s permissions.Language: English
The flexible way to adopt UX/UI in Angular app according to user’s permissions.

In many projects, there are authentication processes (more or less). A lot of “best practices” were written in all known technologies and so on, and so forth. But what happens after the user made the login? After all, he by far cannot do everything. How to define what he can see and what not. What buttons he has the rights to click on, what to change, create and delete.

Angular Global Summit'23 - Online /

Metaprogramming From 0 to 100Language: English
Metaprogramming From 0 to 100

Metaprogramming is the entire world of programming, in latest TS versions we have set of great new features that provide low-level hooks into code mechanics. Let's touch the tip of the iceberg! We will talk about the definition of "Metaprogramming": some best and some bad practices. And of course - live-coding!

NG-Conf 2022 - Salt Lake City, Utah /

TypeScript MetaprogrammingLanguage: English
TypeScript Metaprogramming

Metaprogramming is the entire world of programming, in latest TS versions we have set of great new features that provide low-level hooks into code mechanics. Let's touch the tip of the iceberg! We will talk about the definition of "Metaprogramming": some best and some bad practices. And of course - live-coding!

CityJs - London, UK / Developers Week - Germany, DE /

Fall in Love With JS DecoratorsLanguage:
Fall in Love With JS Decorators

Decorators are one of the most underrated features in JS. At the same time is one of the most life-changing features. Once you get it your life will never be the same. We will start from basics definitions and go all the way to advanced real-life examples and use cases.

JS Fest - Kyiv, UA / OdessaJS - Odessa, UA / TS-Conf - Italy, IT /

Full-Stuck RunTime type validation.Language: Hebrew
Full-Stuck RunTime type validation.

How to ensure type validation of data coming from external sources? Let’s see how can we create a smooth developer experience with strong assurances of correctness at build-time.

Angular-IL Meetup - /

The flexible way to adopt UX/UI in Angular app according to user’s permissions.Language: English
The flexible way to adopt UX/UI in Angular app according to user’s permissions.

In many projects, there are authentication processes (more or less). A lot of “best practices” were written in all known technologies and so on, and so forth. But what happens after the user made the login? After all, he by far cannot do everything. How to define what he can see and what not. What buttons he has the rights to click on, what to change, create and delete.

NG Talks - Kharkiv, UA /

FrontEnd + DevOps = ❤️ (Workshop)Language: Hebrew
FrontEnd + DevOps = ❤️ (Workshop)

MeetUp - Israel, IL / MeetUp - Israel, IL /



How to use System Environment variables (process.env) in Angular application.Language: English
How to use System Environment variables (process.env) in Angular application.

The environment variables setup with @angular/cli is great. Unless we need to pass to the app some values that we do not want to commit to the repository. In this article, I want to consider an approach that uses native Angular capabilities, such as builder and schematics.

Medium - /

Metaprogramming in JavaScript/TypeScript Part #2 (Decorators)Language: English
Metaprogramming in JavaScript/TypeScript Part #2 (Decorators)

Decorators an essential part of metaprogramming in both JS and TypeScript. Python (and beyond) developers are very familiar with this pattern. At this point, officially, decorators are not yet part of JavaScript.

Medium - /

The flexible way to adopt UX/UI in Angular app according to user’s permissions.Language: English
The flexible way to adopt UX/UI in Angular app according to user’s permissions.

In many projects, there are authentication processes (more or less). A lot of “best practices” were written in all known technologies and so on, and so forth. But what happens after the user made the login? After all, he by far cannot do everything. How to define what he can see and what not. What buttons he has the rights to click on, what to change, create and delete.

Medium - /

Metaprogramming in JavaScript/TypeScript Part #1Language: English
Metaprogramming in JavaScript/TypeScript Part #1

Metaprogramming is the entire world of programming, in latest TS versions we have set of great new features that provide low-level hooks into code mechanics. Let's touch the tip of the iceberg! We will talk about the definition of "Metaprogramming": some best and some bad practices. And of course - live-coding!

Medium - /



Docker, why and how?Language: En/Heb/UA/RU
Docker, why and how?

There are many great articles and talks for those who already use docker. I will appeal to those who not only do not know what docker is but are not sure whether they should know it.

TBD - /

GraphQl Federation: with big power comes huge responsibility.Language: En/Heb/UA/RU
GraphQl Federation: with big power comes huge responsibility.

The main use case for GraphQl Federation is MicroService APIs Scaling. This talk is not about it. We will talk about the advantages and disadvantages you can get with this architecture. We will go over a check list of things you might meet in your journey to migrate from a monolith to MicroServices with GraphQl Federation, review some OpenSource tools you’ll probably need, and set of tools you might need to create for your specific case.

TBD - /

Go down the rabbit hole with Typescript Compiler API.Language: En/Heb/UA/RU
Go down the rabbit hole with Typescript Compiler API.

TypeScript has become very popular in the past few years. Many of us (developers) have a good understanding of the language except not many many of us really know how the compiler works internally. Understanding the internal mechanism of the TypeScript compiler and API will be extremely valuable if you need to improve the build pipeline, or develop custom tools. Join Me On a Trip Down the Rabbit Hole to see the magic.

TBD - /